Final Project Post

This is the final post of this blog, and I would like to conclude on a good note, thanking the tutors, Ben, Dan, and Matt, and lecturer, Marianella. I would also like to thank Allan Hahn and Paul Perkins for hosting this project within the ModBox program and allowing us to design innovative product that you may one day adopt and utilise to further the sport. Continue reading “Final Project Post”

Follow the Leader Model

Attached below is a collection of images, starting at the beginning where we had to create the base and arm frame, which we used timber and PVC for. We then moved on and started assembling everything. After some home user testing, we were happy to continue assembling, before paint and adding electronics to the overall model.

Follow the Leader Model Images by Connor Quinn on Scribd

Agility Mat Materials

As all gym equipment is, the agility mat needs to be tough, durable and able to take a beating in the PCYC | ModBox community, whilst also providing forgiving workspace for users to jump and fall over on. The obvious choice for this is foam, and as we wanted to keep the costs down as much as possible, we used EVA foam as the material. Not only is it durable and forgiving, it is also cost effective as we chose to modify existing mats instead of creating a new mold as this product will have a pretty limited run in the ModBox space. Continue reading “Agility Mat Materials”